Kamis, 03 Mei 2012



Conjunction atau kata penghubung adalah kata-kata yang menggabungkan dua hal atau lebih – yakni kata penghubung ini menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat dan bagian-bagian dari sebuah kalimat.


Mempunyai makna yang sama dengan 'in addition' yang berarti 'lagipula', 'selain' yang berfungsi menambah informasi. Kata ini mengawali noun/pronoun/gerund.

however artinya 'namun demikian','bagaimanapun juga'  mengawali kata keterangan/ sifat/ klausa.

artinya >> 'sebaliknya', 'jika tidak', untuk menyatakan :kemungkinan akibat yang tidak diharapkan kalau pernyataan sebelumnya/lainnya tidak terpenuhi.

4. SO
dalam Bahasa Indonesia yaitu 'jadi', 'maka', menunjukkan akibat yang terjadi dari pernyataan sebelumnya.

bermakna 'oleh karena itu','maka dari itu' memiliki makna yang senada dengan 'so', 'consequently', dan 'hence', digunakan untuk  menunjukkan akibat dari suatu kalimat sebab-akibat

6. STILL dan YET
kita sering mendengar kata-kata ini pada umumnya mempunyai arti still='masih', not yet='belum' ,namun  jika sebagai conjunction kedua kata ini mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu 'namun'  menunjukkan arti yang kontradiksi. 

                        bermakna 'walaupun','meskipun' menunjukkan kalimat yang bertentangan dan 
selamanya diikuti oleh bentuk klausa (S + predikat).

Ketiganya bisa diartikan 'karena' pada saat diikuti klausa.

memiliki arti 'ketika/tatkala/sementara' menunjukkan waktu saat 
terjadinya sesuatu

10. AND
bermakna 'dan' menggabungkan dua buah kata/kalimat/klausa yang bentuk dan fungsinya sama dan setara.

bermakna 'padahal' untuk menunjukkan kontra harap dengan  rujukan pembuktian fakta sebenarnya

12. NOT...UNTIL...
rangkaian 'not...until...' memiliki pengertian 'baru...setelah...'

1.   Coordinating conjunction
Coordinating conjunctions, juga dipanggil ‘coordinators’, merupakan kata penghubung yang menghubungkan dua atau lebih kata, klausa, ataupun kalimat, yang mempunyai bentuk sintaksis (aturan dalam hal pembuatan kalimat) yang sama. Contoh-contoh kata penghubung coordinating yaitu: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Untuk memudahkan dalam menghafalnya biasa disingkat FANBOYS.
Arti dan contoh dalam kalimat:
a.    For yang berarti ‘karena.’
 Contoh: Imamsyah Al-Hadi always keeps the lights on, for he is afraid of sleeping in the dark.
Kata ‘for’ lebih umum digunakan sebagai preposition/kata depan yang bermakana ‘untuk.’
Contoh:A chew is used for cutting wood.
b.   And yang berarti ‘dan.’
Contoh: My sister lives in South Sulawesi, and my brother lives in North Sulawesi.
·      Muh. Rifqi enjoys lerning English, and he enjoys playing football.
·      Muh. Rifqi enjoys learning English and playing football.
(S + V) + koma ( S + V)
c.    Nor yang berarti ‘dan.’
Contoh: Ali doesn’t enjoy learning English , nor does he enjoy football. [kalimat negatif]
d.   But yang berarti ‘tetapi.’
·      Muh. Imran enjoys learning English, but he doesn’t enjoy playing football.
·      My shoes are old but comfortable.
e.    Yet yang berarti ‘namun.’
Contoh: Muh. Imran enjoys learning English, yet he doesn’t enjoy playing football.
f.    Or yang berarti ‘atau.’
·      Next month I will go to my hometown, or I may just stay in Makassar.
·      Next month I will go to my hometown or may just stay in Makassar.
g.      So yang berarti ‘jadi/ oleh karena itu.’
Contoh: I have a dream to go abgroad, so I have to study English more.

2.   Correlative conjunction
Correlative conjunctions, juga biasa disebut ‘paired conjunctions’,  merupakan kata penghubung yang berpasangan yang menyerasikan atau melaraskan 2 item (kata, kalimat, frasa, atau  klausa). Contohnya: both…and;  not only…but also; either…or; neither…nor.
 Arti dan contoh dalam kalimat:
a.    Both…and yang beramakna ‘keduanya’
Contoh: Both Muh. Syihab and Muh. Hasan basri are the members of New Generation Club.
Dua subjek yang dihubungkan oleh ‘both…and’ adalah berbentuk jamak.
b.   Not only…but also yang bermakna ‘tidak hanya…tapi juga’
·      Not only my sister but also my brother is in Makassar.
·      Not only my sister but also my brothers are in Makassar.
Ketika ada dua subjek yang dihubungkan oleh not only…but also, either…or, or neither…nor’ maka subject yang lebih dekat dengan kata kerja yang akan menentukan apakah kata kerjanya berbentuk tunggal atau jamak.
c.    Either…or yang bermakana ‘baik…atau/juga’
·      Either my sister or my brother is in Makassar.
·      Either my sister or my brothers are in Makssar.
d.   Neither…nor yang bermakna ‘baik…maupun…tidak’
·      Neither my sister nor my brother is in Makassar.
·      Neither my sister nor my brothers are in Makssar.
3.   Subordinating conjunction
Subordinating conjuctions, juga disebut ‘subordinators’, merupakan kata penghubung yang memperkenalkan sebuah kalimat. Contoh kata penghubung ‘subordinating’ yaitu sebagai berikut.
Timeafter, before, when, while, as, as soon as, since, until, by the time, once, whenever, every time etc.
Cause and effectbecause, now that, since etc.
Contrasteven though, although, though etc.
Direct contrast: while, whereas etc.
Condition: if, unless, only if, whether or not, even if, in case, in the even that etc.
Contoh dalam bentuk kalimat:
·      Because he was sleepy, he went to bed. [memakai koma]
·      He went to bed because he was sleepy. [tanpa koma]
·      Now that the semester is over, I’m going to go to my hometown. [memakai koma]
·      Since it’s raining, I can’t go to campuss. [memakai koma]
‘Since’ berarti ‘karena’, dan ‘now that’ berarti ‘karena sekarang.’
Untuk lebih jauh mengenai subordinating conjuction silahakan mencari buku yang membahasnya secara mendetail.
Contoh Soalnya :
please study hard,  _______   you’ll fall the exam.
a.       Otherwise*
b.      Though
c.       And
d.      However

It was raining, ______  I decided not to go camping.
A. next
B. Altough
C. so*
D. And

I’d like to go, _______   I haven’t the time.
a. so
b. however*
c.   still
d.    beside

I ate spaghetti for lunch _____  pizza for dinner
a. And
b. But
c. So
d. Therefore


Clause adalah gabungan dari beberapa kata yang memiliki subjek dan predikat.  Jadi noun clause adalah clause yang kedudukannya sebagai kata benda atau berfungi sebagai nomina.
noun clause dapat menduduki posisi-posisi berikut :
1.                  Subjek kalimat  (subject of a sentence)
2.                  Objek verba transitif  (object of a transitive verb)
3.                  Objek preposisi  (object of a preposition)
4.                  Pelengkap  (complement)
5.                  Pemberi keterangan tambahan  (noun in apposition)

1.       Statement (Pertanyaan)
a.       Counjuction yang dipakai adalah “that”
b.      Fungsi klausa ini adalah sebagai :

a.        Subject kalimat
# Kangaroo lives in Australia (Statement)
# That kangaroo lives in Australia is well known to all (Noun clause)
                                                                                          b.       Subject kalimat setalah “it”
#  It is well known to all that kangaroo lives in Australia
                                                                                           c.       Objek  pelengkap
#  My conclusion is that kangaroo in lives Australia
                                                                                           d.      Objek kata kerja
#  All people understand well that kangaroo lives in Australia
                                                                                            e.      Apositif
#  My conclusion that kangaroo lives is Australia is correct

2.       Question (Pertanyaan)
A.      Yes/No Question
#         Conjuction yang dipakai adalah “whether (or not/or if)
#        Fungsi klausa ini adalah sebagai :
a.      Subjek kalimat
#  Can she drive the car? (Question)
# Whether she can drive car doesn’t concern me (Noun clause) “or not” : whether or not she can drive the car doesn’t concern me (Noun clause) “or if” : whether or if she can drive the car doesn’t concern me (Noun clause)
                                 b.      Objek pelengkap
 #  My conclusion is whether she can drive the car
                                 c.      Objek kata kerja
                                      #  I really wonder whether she can drive the car (Or Not)
                              d.    Objek kata depan
#  We discussed about whether she can drive the car

B.      Wh-Question
a        Conjuction yang dipakai adalah “kata taya itu sendiri”
b        Fungsi klausa ini adalah sebagai :

a.    Subjek kalimat
   #  What is he doing ?(Question) doing doesn’t concern me. (Noun clause)
  b.     Objek lengkap
                                             #  My question is what she is doing
                                      c.    Objek kata kerja
                                 #  I really wonder what she is doing
                                      d.   Objek kata depan
                                 #  We discussed about what she is doing

3.       Request (permintaan)
#        Conjuction yang dipakai adalah “that”
#        Fungsi klausa ini adalah sebagai :

a.    Objek kata kerja
                                  #  Open the door.  (Request)
                                  #  He suggested that I open the door. (Noun clause)

4.       Exclamation (seruan)
#     Conjuction yang dipakai adalah “kata Tanya yang dipakai pada kalimat itu sendiri”
#     Fungsi klausa ini adalah sebagai :

a.         Objek kata kerja
                                          #  What a handsome boy he is ?(Exclamation)
                                                  #  Inever realized what a handsome boy he is.(Noun clause)
                            b.        Objek kata kata depan
      #  We are talking about what a handsome boy he is.


1. Noun Clause sebagai Subjek Kalimat ( subject of a sentence )
What you said doesn’t convince me at all.
How he becomes so rich makes people curious.
What the salesman has said is untrue.
2. Noun Clause sebagai Verba Transitif ( Object of a Transitive verb )
I know what you mean.
I don’t understand what he is talking about.
He said that his son would study in Australia 
3. Noun Clause Sebagai Preposisi ( object of a Preposition )
Please listen to what your teacher is saying.
Budi pays full attention to how the native speaker is pronouncing the English word
Be careful of what you’re doing
4. Noun Clause sebagai Pelengkap ( Completment )
The good news is that the culprit has been put into the jail.
This is what I want.
5. Noun Clause sebagai Pemberi Keterangan Tambahan ( Noun in Apposition )
The idea that people can live without oxygen is unreasonable.


1.       manakah yang merupakan bentuk kalimat dari noun clause tipe statement ?
a         That Panda lives in China is well known to all *
b         She suggested that I read the book
c         Whether she can drive the car doesn’t concern me
d         I never realize what a handsome boy he is

2.       Manakah kalimat yang merupakan noun clause sebagai subjek kalimat ?
a         The fact that Rudi always comes late doesn’t surprise me.
b         That is what you need.
c          That the world is round is a fact. *
d         What is he doing

Sumbernya :

NPM : 12209045

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Artikel Adverbial Clause

Is Smoking Good for Us ?

Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousands people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.
Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes.Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for every body else.

Question :
1. what the facts resulting from smoking?

  • There are many diseases that grow in our bodies, such as lung cancer.

2. every year, how many people died in the UK?
  • 50 people
3. what happens when we are smoking?
  • die
4. what are the advantages of smoking for the company?
  • make so much money from smoking
5. What percentage of lung cancer from smoking in the UK?
  • 90 percent
6. What percentage are suffering from bronchitis due to smoking in the UK?
  • 95 percent
7. anyone who is smoking right now?

  • Parents, childs, woman, etc.

8. how many cigarettes a smoker spend in a day?

  • most one packet

Artikel Direct and Indirect

My Homeland

Love of the homeland is an affection and a love of place of birth or his homeland. Love the country that are owned by the Indonesian people are already fading. This we can see from the many cases of corruption, waste littering cause flooding, illegal logging, the number of piracy against certain products until the cases of recent bomb that just happened.

While many people are speculating about the cause of the bombing incident, in fact the root of the problem is the lack of community participation or extinction of love for the fatherland. We call it if they did have a love for the fatherland, then they will not conduct bombings in the country's own there are benefits from this bombing, this tragedy only lead to more bad image of Indonesia in the eyes of the world, so that national income is reduced, may lead to reduction in treasury revenues that result many countries that forbid its citizens to visit Indonesia and the loss of love for our homeland.

The reduced cash income countries resulted in increasingly chaotic economic conditions, the more homeless people in Indonesia, and the poor will increase. And in the end people too, who became the final victim of the impact of this bombing. Those who bombed them also who will feel the consequences.
If only they did have a love for the fatherland are great, they certainly will not do the bombing in their own country, and not also do the bombings in another country. The loss of national identity, a lack of concern for others, lack of love for the fatherland was the one who causes this to happen. Love the country, Indonesia is loving what is, we are one big family which consists of various cultures of each, love it, take pride to be a nation that has a unique culture and love negrimu. Whatever and however this is our country of Indonesia where we breathe, our place of refuge so that love Indonesiamu. We must respect and appreciate the services that generate the Indonesian nation, and do not forget to give spirit to the nation of Indonesia.

Question :
1. what is the meaning of the Love of the Homeland?
  • affection and a love of place of birth or his homeland.
2. what is the case, when the love fades?
  • This we can see from the many cases of corruption, waste littering cause flooding, illegal logging, the number of piracy against certain products until the cases of recent bomb that just happened.
3. what causes a lot of bombings in Indonesia?
  • the lack of community participation or extinction of love for the fatherland.
4. what caused the decline of Indonesia's image?
  • the boms incident
5. what caused the decline in cash earnings Indonesia?
  • the boms incident

Nama : Anisah Luthfi Aprianti
Npm : 12209045
Kelas : 1 EA 21